Large Blue Pony 2021, cotton canvas, acrylic, graphite, water soluble crayon, brass pipe, wool

Large Blue Pony 2021, cotton canvas, acrylic, graphite, water soluble crayon, brass pipe, wool


On the surface, these canvases are about color, line, repetition, and form. To tell my stories I like to paint pictures using truth and fiction to make moody fantasies. Twisting reality makes for energetic daydreams full of layers. The canvases in Memorable Journeys show a girl’s solo horseback trip into forests and horizons full of mystery.


Abstracted landscapes are a way to source new details I can use in my figurative work. From a distance, backroad views mix, blur and shrink. They’re good opportunities to use repetition and energetic color palettes. I like to study the landscape and paint rich surfaces on paper. This lets me take daydreams about an area and create curious hidden stories.